Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hunting Reserve in Nepal

Nepal is a beautiful country inhabiting an amazing array of Wildlife Reserves and National Parks hidden amongst the many majestic mountains of the Himalayan range. It is here that you will also find the only hunting reserve set aside by the Government of Nepal.
Unlike many countries that support “canned hunting” (defined as: The sport or practice of killing animals that have been bred in captivity for the sole purpose of trophy hunting by international tourists), the Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve has set aside a dedicated area where only certain “wild” species are allowed to be “culled”, thus controlling the general population in the area. It is only in particular seasons that controlled hunting occurs through the year, thus requiring a game license. This can be obtained through the ‘Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation’ within the Kathmandu area. However, it must be remembered that there is a limited amount of hunting operations who are able to cater for such expeditions and so it is good to look into this beforehand.
Nonetheless, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is also a sanctuary to some of the rarest and most endangered mammals, such as the beautiful snow leopard, Tibetan wolf, red panda and the elegant Himalayan musk deer. Alongside this is an amazing array of rare bird species. In fact, Nepal holds some of the significant populations in the entire world, showcasing its natural riches.
The Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is set on 1,325 square kilometers of rolling terrain, lying on the Southern rise of the majestic Mt. Dhaulangiri I, which stands over 8,000 meters in height, cutting into the Rukum, Myagdi and Baglung districts in the west of Nepal. As with most reserves it is not uncommon to find villagers co-inhabiting. In this particular area it is made up by two distinct groups that being people of Tibetan descent and hill tribes who supplement farming with animal and trade husbandry.
The reserve is characterized by a fusion of mixed hardwood forests which include fir, birch, rhododendron, hemlock, pine, juniper and spruce as well as one of the highest widespread populations of flora up to 36 species once again emphasizing Nepal’s natural riches.
Besides hunting, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is a striking destination for wildlife and bird enthusiasts alike who wish to visit this isolated area.

Established 1983

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DHORPATAN HUNTING RESERVE -Established 1983 and gazetted inDhorpatan Hunting Reserve adjoins Rukum, Myagdi and Baglung districts in the Dhaulagiri Himal range in West Nepal. Putha, Churen and Gurja Himal extend over the northern boundary of the reserve. Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve was established in 1983 and was gazetted in 1987. Management objectives of the reserve allow sports hunting and preserve a representative high altitude, ecosystem in Western Nepal. The reserve extends over an area of 1325 km2 and is the only hunting reserve in the country to meet the needs of hunting for Nepalese and foreign hunters of blue sheep and other game animals . Local people depend on the reserve to meet their requirements of timber, fuel-wood, fodder, and pasture.
The Tibetan refugee camp near the reserve headquarters has put more human pressure in the forest. Every year livestock grazing activities begin from February and last until October. More than 80,000 livestock enter the reserve for grazing. The majority of people belong to the Mongoloid race, including Mugar, Thakali and Gurung, Amalgamation of different ethnic groups has resulted in a mixed pattern of cultures.
The higher elevations remain snow-capped throughout the year. Altitudes vary from 3000 m to more than 7000 m. The flat meadows above tree line (4000 m), locally known as Patans, are important for animals like the blue sheep and other herbivores. The reserve is divided into seven six blocks for hunting management purposes.The reserve is surrounded by villages on all sides except the north.

The monsoon fasts until the beginning of October. Day time temperatures are very low during winter due to strong winds. Higher elevations remain covered with cloud in the morning; later clouds are cleared by the wind. Snow may occur even at low elevation until early April, however, it soon melts. The best time to visit the reserve is March-April.

Flora &amp; Fauna
The reserve is characterized by alpine, sub-alpine and high temperate vegetation. Common plant species include fir, pine, and birch, rhododendron, hemlock, oak, juniper and spruce. Pasturelands occupy more than 50 % of the total area of the reserve at higher elevation.
The reserve is one of the prime habitats of blue sheep, a highly coveted trophy. Other animals found are: leopard, goral, serow, Himalayan tahr, Hirnalayan black bear, barking deer, wild boar, rhesus macaque, langur and mouse hare. Pheasants and partridge are common and their viable population in the reserve permits controlled hunting. Endangered animals in the reserve include: Musk deer, Wolf, Red panda, Cheer pheasant and Danphe. The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation issue the hunting license.

Local people are allowed to collect limited quantities of fuel-wood for their home use. Visitors are requested to be self-sufficient with fuel (Kerosene) before entering the reserve. Since no medical facilities are available in the reserve, it is suggested that visitors carry a comprehensive first-aid kit including medicines for intestinal disorders. Two hotels/lodges catering simple Nepali foods are located at Chhyantung near Dhorpatan.

How to get there
Public bus service is available from Kathmandu to Tansen-Tamgash Gulmi from where the reserve HQ is a three-day walk via Burtibang.
Air service links Baglung from Kathmandu and Pokhara. The reserve HQ could be reached in 4 days walk from Balewa-Baglung.
Public bus can be taken to Baglung from Pokhara followed by 4 days walk via Baglung Beni-Darbang-Lumsung and Jaljala to reach Dhorpatan.Chartered service helicopter may be available on request from Kathmandu.

Places of interest
Dhorbaraha a Hindu religious place on the banks of Uttarganga River near Dhorpatan, is in Fagune block. Every year on the day of "Janai Purnima" in August, a religious fair is held here which many local devotees attend. The magnificent view of Dhaulagiri HImal from Barse, Dogari and Gustung blocks are exceptional, Seng and Sundaha block are rich in wild animals.

Mero Introduction