Wednesday, May 22, 2013

BAGLUNG, April 11: Illegal quarrying of stones in Tara VDC of Baglung continues unabated regardless of the threat it poses to nearby human settlements and environment.

Around 24 stone quarries are being run illegally in Tara VDC, but the authorities have turned a blind eye, said Hari Subedi, a local. 

“The operators of these quarries are ignoring the long-term impact that their activity would have on the environment and nearby human settlements,” said Subedi. The operators had agreed to contribute a part of their earnings to local schools, but the promise was never kept, said another local Krishna Kandel.
“Both Kasare Kharani School and Trisul Primary School have not received any financial support,” said Kandel. He also said that the operators have been avoiding legal action as they have high-level contacts.
“Quarry operators are supposed to acquire permission from the Department of Mines and Geology and District Development Committee. But most of them have not acquired permission,” claimed Kandel. 
Meanwhile, District Forest Officer Kishore Chandra Gautam said he was unaware of the illegal quarries. “We will look into the matter and take action against operators running illegal quarries,” assured Gautam.
AGLUNG, April 10: The UCPN (Maoist) is conducting training to party cadres at the Kaligandaki Cinema hall in Baglung on Wednesday afternoon.
The session was originally scheduled to begin at 8 in the morning. Party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Vice-Chairman Baburam Bhattarai, among other top Maoist leaders, are involved in imparting the training. 
A day earlier, the Maoist leaders had arrived in Baglung. They went to Pokhara to spend the night and again came back to Baglung this morning for the program, which is being organized by the party’s western bureau. As many as 600 party cadres from 17 districts under the party’s Magarat State Council are attending the training. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Myagdi-Baglung Eco-Tourism (Non Tourist Area) Camping Trek 15 Days

Introduction to Myagdi-Baglung Eco-Tourism Trek
Myagdi-Baglung districts are very suitable for eco-tourism .It has mostly geographical variation with significant bio-diversity. There are available various species of vegetation, mammals, birds and flora-fauna. The world famous Guranshe Ban (Rhododendron forest) is remained here; which is assumed as largest Rhododendron forest in the world. It is home place of famous animals and birds like Kasturee (Deer) and Danfe (Impeyen Pheasant)). Some parts (12600h) of Royal Dhorpatan Hunting Reservation area covered the western parts of the district. There are available almost kind of climates, vegetation, mammals, birds and flora-fauna including numbers of Khola-Nala (Streams) and Jharana (Waterfalls). Every settlement is close to forest with fully natural environment .So it has great prospects of eco-tourism point of view.In this trek you have different experience with Magar Culture and religion. In the district, there are numbers of places to provide panoramic view of Himalayan, Rivers, and Beautiful Landscape. There are also some of the vantage view in this Eco-Tourism Trek such as Takum and Jaljala Deurali with stunning view of Mt. Dhaulagiri Range and Gurga Himal. Then some places are very important for religious site like as Barahasthan where yearly fair in Janaipurnima(Full Moon of August) and Buddha Jayanti (Buddha’s Birth Day).

Historical Tourism in Takam
Takam is important historical place in the district. It is 37km far west from Beni Bazar. It was the first capital of Parbate King, Dimbabam Malla and whole period of Thapa Chhetri rulers who ruled for 300 years. After the victory of Bam Malla, the capital was shifted to Dolthana during the reign of Dimba Bam Malla. Takam is a beautiful village with attractive landscape as well as stunning view of Mt. Dhaulagiri and Mukut Himal. It is ancient settlement of mixed community of all tribes, Brahmin, Chhetri, Damai, Kami, Sarki, Magar, Gurung, Thakali, Chhantyal etc. Main inhabitants are Brahmin and Chhetri. It lies on the way of Dhaulagiri base camp and Dhorpatan Trek. Takam is called a historically important place. War weapons of medieval time and ancient war trench can be still found in that area. Takam Kot is archaeologically and religiously important place.

Village Tourism in Dhorpatan
Dhorpatan is a large valley covered by dense forest and grassland. That is the habitat of different kinds of wild animals and birds. It is as recognized as Dhorpatan Hunting Reservation area which was declared in 1978 by government. This reservation area covers 1,325 sq. km. 126 km part of Dhorpatan lies in Myagdi District. Other parts lie in Baglung and Rukum District. People of Tibetan origin are living around Dhorpatan. Flora is typical of middle hill with good strands of forests interspersed with agricultural and pastures lands. The northern sections of the walk is rich in wild life including musk deer, grey wolf, red panda and many more common spices.

Culture Tourism
There is numerous cultural, religious, Historical heritages and resources in the district for cultural tourism. Now a day, original life style of village is being interesting to tourists. The tradition, custom, festivals, agricultural system and instruments are important resources for that. Mostly typical lifestyle, custom and social system is alive until now, which are going too disappeared in modern world with latest development. Therefore, those create cultural tourism. There are living different caste and indigenous groups like Brahmin, Chhetry, Damai,Kami, etc of Khash- Aryan community and Magar, Chhantyal, Gurung , Thakali etc of Mongolian origin community . They are very rich own unique culture and custom. One of the cultural heritages of the district is Mela-Jatra (Festival). Every village has to conduct at least one Festival in a year on occasion of sacred date and festivals. Then launch various program of Puja(worship),sports,dancing,singing etc.Those Festival often organize in new year, Chandi Purnima, Janaipurnima,Teeej, Dashai, Tihar,Maghe Sankranti,Fagu Purnima. It has commercial important as marketing and shopping activities. Main purpose of Festival is to enjoy by traditional way. There celebrates varies festivals by peoples. Some are of particular communities and some are common to all. Dashain, Tihar,Maghe Sankranti, Fagu purnima etc are common festivals in the district.

Itinerary in details
Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu and Transfer to Hotel.

Day 2: Full Day Sightseeing in Kathmandu Valley with Tour Guide by Private Car. Overnight in Hotel.

Day 3: Drive from Kathmandu to Beni 830m (8/9hours). Overnight in Hotel.

Day 4: Drive from Beni to Darbang 1030m (2/3 hours) and trek to Takum 1665m (3/4 hours). Overnight at tented camp.

Day 5:  Trek from Takum to Lamsung 2250m (5/6 hours). Overnight at tented camp.

Day 6: Trek from Lamsung to Upallo Jaljala 3430m (6/7 hoours). Overnight at tented camp.

Day 7: Trek from Upallo Jaljala to Chhentung 2940m (5/6 hours). Overnight at tented camp.

Day 8: Trek from Chhentung to Dhorpatan 2860m (3/4 hours). Overnight at tented camp.

Day 9: Exploring the Tibetan Refugees Camp. Overnight at tented camp.

Day 10: Trek from Dhorpatan to Sukurdung 2045m (5/6 hours). Overnight at tented camp.

Day 11: Trek from Sukurdung to Burtibang 1130m (7/8 hours). Overnight at tented camp.

Day 12: Drive from Burtibang to Pokhara (5/6 hours) with local bus and transfer to Hotel.

Day 13: Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu (7/8 hours) with Tourist Bus and transfer to Hotel.

Day 14: Full day Sightseeing with Tour Guide by private car. Overnight in Hotel.

Day 15: Departure to International Airport.      

Our Tour Package Includes:
* Airport / Hotel / Airport pick up & transfer by car / Van.
* 5 nights accommodation with breakfast at 3*** Standard hotel in Kathmandu and Pokhara.
* Kathmandu city tour as per the above itinerary.
* Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with Tea & coffee and hot water during the trek.
* All transportation.
* 1 experienced, helpful and friendly guide,1 cook and 1 helper, porters (1 porter
   for 2 peoples), their food & accommodation.
* All Camping Equipments (Tents) and Kitchen equipments
* Tourist service charge, Vat.
* Office Service charge.
* Guide & support staffs insurance and salary

Doesn't include:
* Any meals in Kathmandu other than breakfast.
* Travel insurance
* International air fare to and from Nepal.
* Nepal Tourist Visa fees
* Items and expenses of personal nature
* Any kind of alcoholic drinks, hot shower, cold drinks, snacks, laundry, phone call, internet.
* Personal Trekking Equipments
* Tips for guide, porters, driver...

World eggs day observed in Baglung

BAGLUNG: The 18th World Eggs Day was observed in Baglung with various programmes with an objective of creating awareness among people on the importance of eggs.

This was observed for the first time in Nepal and from Baglung to increase awareness on the importance of eggs, said District Livestock Office Baglung's veterinary doctor Dr. Deepa Diwali.

The day celebrated on the second Friday of October each year was celebrated by the District Livestock Office and Suahara Project jointly in Baglung.

Radio talk programmes, banner show and classes on the importance of eggs in two schools in the district headquarters were organised. 

Diwali said this day was not celebrated anywhere in Nepal earlier. Eggs have all the elements needed for the body, said convener of the Suahara Project, Purna Puri. 

Eggs have five kinds of vitamins, colin, iodine, iron, selenium, and protein and can save from heart disease and help in body development of child in pregnancy and increase immunity power, said Diwali. It was celebrated in the world since 1996. This day was celebrated since the Egg Commission Conference held in Vienna of Austria.

In Vitro fertilization for animal popular in Baglung

BAGLUNG, Nov 20: With the development of the science and technology, farmers are increasingly adopting scientific methods for the animal reproduction. 

Farmers, who used to keep bulls or male buffalos for the breeding purpose, have now started using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) for reproduction of their cattles.

According to District Veterinary Office (DVO), the new technology of animal reproduction has also increased the productivity in the cattle lately. 

Krishna Prasad Poudel of Baglung Municipalaity-11, who has been keeping over 3 dozen buffalos and cows, has been using IVF technology to inseminate his cattle. Similarly Padam Prasad Sapkota of ward no-1 has stopped keeping breeder male buffalo for the reproduction purpose. 

“When female buffaloes are in heat, veterinary doctors inseminate them with the new technology of the artificial insemination at the animal pen itself,” said Sapkota. 

Lately IVF technology became popular among the farmers after DVO started providing the service at a very low price. 
According to the DVO, farmers are attracted toward the new reproductive technologies as they are free from the hassles of rearing bull or male buffalo for the breeding purpose. 
“The farmers adopting new reproductive technology for their animal has increased lately as the new animal produced through IVF has greater productive ability,” said Veterinary Doctor Dipa Diwali. 
Farmers have been paying Rs 500-800 for the breeding male animal as a stud fee, however, the DVO has been providing IVF service at only Rs 25. “The new service is also cost effective for the farmers,” said Diwali. 
According to Diwali, the female animals in heat should be inseminated within 12-18 hours to successfully impregnate them. The collected animal sperm is cryopreserved at -196°C by using liquid nitrogen. In the IVF technology, sperm are injected into the ovary of the animal with the help of syringe. 
Government has planned to extend the IVF by providing subsidiary for the rural area across the country as the technology is helping increase productivity and improve the quality of the new breed. 

The veterinary center in Baglung Bazzar, Narayansthan, Binhu, Kushmishera and Harichaur VDC has been providing IVF service to the farmers of 15 nearby VDCs. According to DVO chief Laxman Prasad Ghimire, they are planning to extend the service to Burtibang, Kharbang and other places as the demands from the farmers are rising. 

DVO, which inseminated 541 cattle successfully through IVF technique last year, is planning to provide the service to over 2,000 cattle this year. “It is really easy for us as we don´t have to search for the stud male," said Tara Kandel of Bhim Pokhara-1.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Flying in Comfort on a Charter Plane

Baglung Airport Charter Flights and Air Charter Service

International Air Charter is able to handle all of your air charter services to or from Baglung Airport. We will make sure that the flight you pick is the right one for you. The staff we use has years of experience in the air charter industry and will be sure that the flight you choose to or from Baglung Airport is the right one for you.

One of the reasons why people tend to employ an air chartered service is because of its convenience. Unlike many commercial flights, you are the one who is going to be in charge of your flight. There is no need for you to go through all those hassles of cramped seats or all those delays mainly concerning any unruly passengers. With a chartered plane service you are the one who is going to be choosing the people who will be present with you on the flight. The biggest advantage of this service is that you will have all the stresses related to flying thrown out of the window, making sure that your total flying experience is as pleasant as possible. The schedule of the flight will be based on when you are going to leave at your own convenience. You can even decide on the route of travel to country.
Privatecrafts no longer carry the image that only the wealthy can fly in this Manner. Families and managers, now hire, private planes. Private aircraft hires are flexible. Private aircraft operations, due to their varied partnerships, can accommodate short travel notices, schedule or accommodate the last minute flight shifts. If traveling on business, flying private aircraft rentals allows you to work in a laid back atmosphere, with hand picked fellow passengers - no issues and no delays. Private charter, plane employees can coordinate your ground transportation, hotel reservations and can even make your evening recreating reservations.
   Flying in Comfort on a Charter Plane
The one most important reason of using the air charter services is because of its convenience. Unlike the other commercial aircrafts, you will be in charge of the chartered flight. You will not have to go through the troubles of cramped seats or any delays owing to issues regarding unruly passengers. In this case you will get to pick the person you want to have in your flight. Making use of these services is going to remove all the stress that you go through when you are flying, making sure you have a very pleasant flight and journey to airport. The flight will be scheduled for its take off only when you want to leave. You can additionally have a route that you have planned out for your travel. Although, in this case you will really not like to manage every little detail, having to control your entire experience of flying is a reason that is more than enough to use a chartered plane service.
Commercial airlines are attempting to stay its present customer base, as well as gaining new passengers. Chaos at check in stalls has beenchanged to a self check in program, made use of all through the commercial airlines. With self help systems, people can utilize the computer to check luggage, select their seats and pre print a boarding pass immediately. Not only can you make use of the self help kiosks at the airport, also in the relaxation of your own home, on your laptop, 24-hours before your take off time. These are new items that the commercial airline industry have introduced to assist the weary person.

Mero Introduction