Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Flying in Comfort on a Charter Plane

Baglung Airport Charter Flights and Air Charter Service

International Air Charter is able to handle all of your air charter services to or from Baglung Airport. We will make sure that the flight you pick is the right one for you. The staff we use has years of experience in the air charter industry and will be sure that the flight you choose to or from Baglung Airport is the right one for you.

One of the reasons why people tend to employ an air chartered service is because of its convenience. Unlike many commercial flights, you are the one who is going to be in charge of your flight. There is no need for you to go through all those hassles of cramped seats or all those delays mainly concerning any unruly passengers. With a chartered plane service you are the one who is going to be choosing the people who will be present with you on the flight. The biggest advantage of this service is that you will have all the stresses related to flying thrown out of the window, making sure that your total flying experience is as pleasant as possible. The schedule of the flight will be based on when you are going to leave at your own convenience. You can even decide on the route of travel to country.
Privatecrafts no longer carry the image that only the wealthy can fly in this Manner. Families and managers, now hire, private planes. Private aircraft hires are flexible. Private aircraft operations, due to their varied partnerships, can accommodate short travel notices, schedule or accommodate the last minute flight shifts. If traveling on business, flying private aircraft rentals allows you to work in a laid back atmosphere, with hand picked fellow passengers - no issues and no delays. Private charter, plane employees can coordinate your ground transportation, hotel reservations and can even make your evening recreating reservations.
   Flying in Comfort on a Charter Plane
The one most important reason of using the air charter services is because of its convenience. Unlike the other commercial aircrafts, you will be in charge of the chartered flight. You will not have to go through the troubles of cramped seats or any delays owing to issues regarding unruly passengers. In this case you will get to pick the person you want to have in your flight. Making use of these services is going to remove all the stress that you go through when you are flying, making sure you have a very pleasant flight and journey to airport. The flight will be scheduled for its take off only when you want to leave. You can additionally have a route that you have planned out for your travel. Although, in this case you will really not like to manage every little detail, having to control your entire experience of flying is a reason that is more than enough to use a chartered plane service.
Commercial airlines are attempting to stay its present customer base, as well as gaining new passengers. Chaos at check in stalls has beenchanged to a self check in program, made use of all through the commercial airlines. With self help systems, people can utilize the computer to check luggage, select their seats and pre print a boarding pass immediately. Not only can you make use of the self help kiosks at the airport, also in the relaxation of your own home, on your laptop, 24-hours before your take off time. These are new items that the commercial airline industry have introduced to assist the weary person.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Financial Analysis of Water Source Protection Work of Watershed Management

Water supply is critical in many areas of the Middle Mountains in Nepal. The major hardships in terms of the drinking water is being experiencing in the altitude at the winter season and in the rainy season effects the down stream due to the excess water. The water supply work is good in such situation its economic gain is of secondary importance while the first importance is to provide the safe services and care the people from difficulties. So that, activities implemented in the rural areas can be evaluated economically or financially to the measure the financial efficiency in terms of services. For the described situation, the research paper tries to evaluate the water source protection activity financially. This report basically reflects the different streams of costs and benefits for the targeted activity to review the financial benefits from the activity.
The study is based on primary and secondary data analysis. Primary data were collected from the field (Five Community Development Groups, Kanthekhola sub watershed management area of Baglung District). Methods were Participatory Rural Appraisal (Focus group discussion, semi structured interview, household visit and the direct observation of the construction works with CDG members. Secondary information were collected from different official reports, DSCO Baglung, District development committee Baglung, Baglung municipality and the five-year plan of the CDGs.
Financial analysis has carried out for the direct input and output of construction and benefit received from the water source protection work and agricultural practices (Home garden, Kitchen garden, Vegetable farming etc), for the calculation of Benefit Cost Ratio, Internal rate of Return and Net Present Value. Indirect input and return analyzed to check the service and the farmland benefits from the intervention. Basic statistical tools were used to analyze the socioeconomics and the evaluation of the best project. Strength, weaknesses, Opportunities and Limitations (SWOL) analysis is carried out in the field and documented.
On the basis of analysis it has shown that Water source Protection work has a huge advantage of health improvement and income generation. Viable option to maximize financial return is the replacement of conventional agriculture practice with the income generation activities like vegetable farming. The programme is equally beneficial to reduce the workload of people to the water collection for the domestic purposes. It is also worthwhile to conserve the soil and support to the environmental improvement by reducing the downstream defects in favour of the people's welfare. The profit is very attractive; investment on fruit tree plantation, kitchen gardening, and compost pit preparation started, income generation expected, the benefits are manifold as compared to the conventional agriculture.
Considerations for the improvement of the works might be welfare policies and special programs favourable to the people, awareness about the soil erosion and conservation, education of the positive effects of the downstream due to the intervention, explore the regional market for the vegetables, and design the integrated watershed management activities.

Civic Education for Consolidating Relationships between People and Local Self Governance

In the absence of civic education, youths across the nation are shying away from politics. Especially college goers in urban and semi-urban areas seem to have misunderstood politics. They take politics as a dirty game. There has been a growing trend among youths to be indifferent from politics and social activities. If this trend continues, sociologists fear that there will be an abyss in the country's politics. The abyss or the gap can debilitate democracy to a large extent.
Even though leaders of country's major political parties seem to be least bothered about democracy and the country's sovereignty; social activists, scholars and workers of different political parties here are deeply concerned about the national issues, democratic values and development. Setting aside their ideological differences, the local people here echoed their voice for development and democracy.
While presenting a working paper on "Civic Education for Consolidating Relationships between People and Local Self Governance" organised by the Nepal Foundation for Advanced Studies (NEFAS) recently, Shiv Raj Dahal underlined the need for generating massive awareness among youths.
Youths are the torch-bearers of the nation, if they become indifferent from politics; the mainstream politics fails to move towards right direction, he said.
When politics takes a wrong course, the chances of failure of democracy are higher. To be more precise, there is likelihood of dominance of regressive forces (wrong-hands) in politics which to a large extent can jeopardize democracy. And when democracy becomes weak, good governance cannot be expected, said Dahal while giving a brief outline of his working paper.
"This is high time for each and every citizen - especially youths across the nation to be aware of political development taking place in the country. If youths turn a deaf ear to the politics, that will be a disaster, he said.
Youth's participation in social activities would have a domino-impact in the social transformation. Hence, youths should be involved in different facets of society, he added.
Growing trend of going abroad for seeking employment and permanent residency (PR) shall make the national politics hollow. Hence, civic education is a must for social transformation and development.
However, youths should be provided with an ample opportunity for their economic uplift. Politics is based on economics. He said
Following Shiva Raj Dahal's presentation, Prof. Dr. Gunanidhi Sharma spoke about the economic aspect of civic education. He said more and more youths irrespective of their ideologies should be involved in productive and meaningful activities in the society. Economy of the nation is based on three components namely - state, private sector and cooperative.
If economics fails to support politics, there will be a dearth of participation, democracy, human dignity; he said adding that the country's politics has become more capital-(Kathmandu)-centric. Politics, guide economic activities and economic activities are the fundamental to the politics.
Presenting a gloomy picture of economic indicators, he said that per capita income in Nepal has just reached US$500, while neighboring countries like India and China have US$ 3500 and US$ 7500 respectively.
This tardy growth shows that we are failing in development process. Who is responsible for the failure as of now? They are the political actors who should be held responsible for tardy economic growth. If politics fails to take right course, country's economy cannot move a head, he said.
Our economy is based on remittance, but we have not calculated the cost side, he said.
Prof. Sharma, former vice chairman of the National Planning Commission said that the data system. Our data system is not reliable.
The poverty has come down to 25 per cent from a 32 per cent, but the reality is not different. Poor has become poorer and rich has richer. The gap has further widened in the recent years, he said.
Problem in economic governance has to be resolved to attract youths, he said.
It is the responsibility of the state to attract youths for social development. If we fail to address the problem in the economic governance, I doubt the country shall plunge into an abyss of violence and lawlessness, he said.
If the state fails to provide opportunities to the youths, obviously they tend to shy away. It is the responsibility of the state to create opportunities for the people in the society. Political actors, government should act honestly.
Prof. Sharma also spoke about the impact of Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPPA) between Nepal and India. Sharma, the former vice chairman of the NPC strongly claimed that BIPPA will have more serious impact in the country's economy. The BIPPA has reinforced the 1950 Treaty between Nepal and India which is in the interests of India.
Prof. Dr. Ram Kumar Dahal, while talking about the need for political awareness said that youths should not be kept aside of politics. They should be a part of politics and social activities.
Prof. Dahal stressed the need for generating awareness among youths. They should be informed that politics is not a dirty game. They should be encouraged to do politics for the right cause. Young generation presume politics as a dirty game played idiots. This is totally a wrong concept. They should be given a message that politics is not a dirty game, but it should be guided by the right persons who are honest and integrity towards society, he said.
Prof. Dahal claimed that the civil society in our context is guided by political parties. If this trend continues, the problem will arise in making the parties alert and ultimately the political parties cannot take a right course. Leaders of political parties should go along with the people. They should embrace the feelings of people in true sense. Prof. Dahal further said that political leaders should act in such a way that they should be able to solve their problems at state level.
But it is a great irony that our leaders who get elected by the votes of these people completely ignore them. This is the main reason as why youths are shying away from politics. However, we cannot remain tightlipped. Someone has to initiate the process of educating youngsters. Hence, we should play a proactive role to bring youths into the mainstream of politics, he added.
Chandra Dev Bhatta, programme officer of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) highlighting objectives of the programme spoke about the prime objectives of the FES. He explained how first President of Germany Friedrich Ebert initiated the process of institutionalising social dialogue for the uplift the society. Without civic education, people cannot realize the essence of democracy. Civic education teaches people to be responsible and dutiful. Civic education teaches citizens to be good citizen.
Political dialogue, social dialogues among youths should be encouraged for social justice. If youths shy away who is going to take part in the politics for social change?
Bhatta, an expert in political economy, noted that politics has been distorted. Instead of becoming for the people, politicians have created distance from the people. By the people means it has been 'buy' the people and for of the people it has become 'off the people', he said.
Bhatta said that youths should be aware of all types of anomalies taking place in the society. Whatever the political ideologies they have, they should not lag behind for common cause.
Earlier Prof. Ananda Shretha, Chairman of the NEFAS highlighted the objectives of the NEFAS's campaign on civic education. No society can make progress without civic education, hence NEFAS, with the support of FES has been organising civic education programme across the nation. We expect that this type of civic education programme would be helpful in generating awareness among youths.
Besides, our programme would help accumulate opinions across the nation. This ultimately, helps us to put pressure on policy makers at the national level.
Urging participants to float their opinions, he said "Your opinion bears a lot of sense to formulate policy". We are organising this programme to collect your views; this in totality helps policy makers as what policy should be formulated.
From the chair, Mana Bahadur Khattri, lecturer of Dhaulagiri Multiple College (DMC) expressed view that such interaction programme would largely help to build opinion and galvanize relations between youths in the society.
Such programme would generate awareness among the youths. Hence, such civic education programme should be encouraged for youths.
Floor Discussion 
Hrishi Ram Sharma, a local intellectual and political activist said that political parties and their leaders should be cautioned with regard to development and democracy.
Today's youths need proper guideline for that they are in dire need of civic education. At a time when the values of civic education are dying down, such programme organised by the NEFAS would greatly contribute to generate awareness among youths.
Each year, an awful lot of youths are going abroad, if we fail to educate youths about the value of democracy, country's future will be in jeopardy.
Hence, we should make youths more aware about their rights and the values. If the current trend of going abroad continues, democracy cannot take a right course. The youths who are torch-bearers in the society cannot give anything to the society; Sharma said adding that "Dahal's working paper should be more specific about the role of youths' in capitalist model and socialist society.
Tek Bahadur K.C, district secretary of the UCPN- Maoists, said that local youths were very much aware of their rights. He cautioned not to misinterpret youths' role in national building process and social changes.
K.C said that left parties across the nation need real education in true sense. However, he raised an objection that the decision making process in the left parties is not governed by the centre alone. The left parties often make decision on the basis of opinion at the grassroots level.

Kazi Gaunle, a local social activist said that different people have different understanding. People in other countries have their own model of democracy. In the same way, we should have own model. Hence the paper should clarify as how youths could be mobilised for common cause in the society.
Prakash Poudel, Chairman of District Committee Nepali Congress said that the election should not be based on the caste, religion. This creates a sharp division among youths. Developmental activities should take place on the basis of reciprocity, he said.
This type of interaction on civic education would largely help in uniting youths in the society for development.
Bal Bahadur Lamichhane, Chairman of District Red Cross Baglung expressed grudges over the politicians and political parties. None of the political leaders are bothered about the deteriorating situation of law and order. The entire nation is on the verge of disintegration as the political parties and their leaders are squabbling over the political power. The true nationalism should be defined.
Mana Kumari K.C, a school teacher underlined the need to make common efforts to overcome social anomalies. The atmosphere of trust should be built among youths, she said.
Responding the queries of participants, Shiva Raj Dahal, the resource person of the workshop vowed to incorporate all sorts of opinions at the interaction programme.
Nepal is rich in resources. What we need is organisation capacity. To strengthen organisation capacity, civic consciousness must improve. Leaders should have skill, honesty and capacity.
Hence, everybody in the society should have an adequate sense of shouldering responsibility with a greater degree of honesty.
Prof. Dr. Gunanidhi Sharma, while responding the queries about the impact the BIPPA said that it was more regressive than that of the Mahakali Treaty. It would have greater impact in the country's trade and economy.
Prof. Ram Kumar Dahal, further said that political awareness among youths should be encouraged for that social dialogue is a must.
Finally Chairman of the programme Mana Bahadur Khatri, also underlined the need for social dialogue. Such programme would act a catalyst to bring the youths into a common forum.

:: Home » National » Transportation resumes at Pokhara- Baglung Highway

The Pokhara- Baglung Highway, which was obstructed from Wednesday noon, has resumed shortly and so has the Maldhunga- Beni road stretch that was obstructed from Wednesday morning.
Vehicular movement resumed after an agreement among the relatives of the persons injured in the bus accident that took place at Dhikur Pokhari of Kaski four days back, the staff and the administration of Dhaulagiri Bus Entrepreneurs Committee was forged.
The relatives of the deceased will get compensation for their loss and the injured will get reimbursements of the treatment expenses, as per the agreement.
The vehicles en route to Myagdi and Mustang from Kathmandu and Pokhara that were left stranded due to the obstruction have already headed for their destinations following the agreement.
One person had died and fourteen others were injured in the bus accident that took place four days ago.  

From Pokhara, it is easy to get to Baglung. Considering the transport, the way from Pokhara could take between 2 and 5 hours. With a local bus, the road takes about 3-4 hours, depending on the hour and number of stops. The price is 500 Roupies. It is also possible to take a taxi for about 3000 Roupies. It’s easier to find a taxi when exiting Pokhara. It is usually very complicated to find a taxi in Baglung. The highway is called Gupi Shertsan Highway. The distance between the two towns is 72 km. The same road connects other 3 district capitals (Kushma, Beni, Jomson)

Leaving Pokhara, the road goes near to the famous Sarankhot mountain, then continues through Naudhanda, Nayapul (place where the trekking for the Annapurna base camp begins). Kushma, Baglung. We’ll see the river Modi on the way. It eventually meets Kalighandaki near Kushma, and this confluence creates a sacred place for the Hindu.

Tihar deprives Baglung hospital of doctors

The Dhawalagiri Hospital in Baglung district is without doctors as all the doctors there left on the Tihar festival leave.

Other doctors at the hospital also took leave and left for home after the Medical Superintendent at the Hospital Dr. Tarun Paudel left on a long leave.

There are 10 doctors at the hospital. But there is none at present due to the Tihar festival, according to an RSS report.

Four trainee doctors at the hospital have also left for home for the festival. It is learnt they left without informing the hospital administration.

The only anaesthesiologist at the hospital has also left the hospital on deputation to Bir Hospital, Kathmandu while two doctors have gone on training for two months. A pediatrician is also on deputation at the Gandaki Hospital in Pokhara.

Moreover, doctors do not prefer to work at the hospital as there is no accommodation facility for them and the hospital administration’s improper management of the duty schedule of the doctors. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Baglung Airport car rental

Rent a car at Baglung Airport, BGL, VNBL
We search over 500 approved car hire suppliers to find you the very best rental prices available. Hiring a car in more than 22 000 locations across 159 countries around the world is made as simple as possible. You don't have to browse through several websites and compare prices to find cheap car hire at Baglung Airport, BGL, VNBL - we will do it for you!
Find Baglung Airport car rental office
You have two options: either fill in the pick-up location in the form above or choose one of the car rental locations near to Baglung Airport, BGL, VNBL from the list.
Car rental locations near Baglung Airport
Below are listed car rental locations nearest to Baglung Airport.

Uttarakhand (distanced approximately 500 km)
Agra (distanced approximately 570 km)
Kolkata (distanced approximately 610 km)
New Delhi - Downtown (distanced approximately 630 km)
New Delhi - Hotel Qutub (distanced approximately 640 km)
New Delhi - Mehipalpur (distanced approximately 640 km)
New Delhi - Airport (distanced approximately 640 km)
Gurgaon (distanced approximately 640 km)
Noida (distanced approximately 730 km)
Kolkata - Airport (distanced approximately 780 km)
Cheap Baglung Airport car rental in three easy steps:
1. Quote: Specify the request and get quotes
Start your search using the form above – choose your pick up location and specify your request: enter pick-up and drop-off dates and choose your preferred car type. Click the search button.

2. Book: Choose the deal you like
List of quotes will be provided. Choose the deal you like. Click the „rate details“ link to check the rental conditionsspecific to related quotation. The conditions may vary from vehicle to vehicle, country to country and supplier to supplier. By moving your mouse over the inclusive sign above the price information the offer details will appear. Click the book button.

3. Confirm: Book & receive instant confirmation
Finish your booking by entering your credit card details. The connection is encrypted, secure. You will receive your car rental voucher containing the booking details and instructions on how to collect the car.

Baglung Airport (BGL)
airport details
airport name: Baglung Airport
IATA code: BGL
geographical location: 28° 13' 0" North, 83° 40' 0" East
detailed map: map of Baglung Airport
Advantages of hiring a car in Baglung Airport with us
Why to a book a car in Baglung Airport on-line
Allows you to find the best Baglung Airport car rental offer from more than 500 car rental suppliers
Advance booking is always cheaper than payment on the spot in car rental office
Read the terms of booking, compare various offers in an easy and fast way
Rent a car at Baglung Airport and discover Nepal. Car hire service Baglung Airport, BGL, VNBL offers low prices and a wide range of vehicles. You can compare offers from leading car hire suppliers like Avis, Europcar, Sixt or Thrifty as well as budget rental deals from Holiday Autos, Budget, Economy, EasyCar, or 121 carhire. Choose Baglung Airport car rental supplier according to your preferences. Every one should find a vehicle convenient for their stay in this location in Nepal.

Car categories
Combining offers from several providers you can usually choose from wide variety of cars, depending on your preferences and your passenger and baggage quantity requirements. We offer both car with automatic and manual transmission, some cars are provided with satellite navigation and/or air conditioning. However, please note: not all of below listed card are available in all locations at all times.

Mini cars: Chevrolet Matiz, Toyota Aygo or similar
Economy cars: Nissan Micra, Ford Fiesta, Peugeot 207, Toyota Yaris, Chevrolet Aveo or similar
Compact cars: Volkswagen Golf, Ford Focus, Toyota Auris, Chevrolet Cobalt or similar
Intermediate cars: Toyota Avensis, Ford Mondeo or similar
Standard cars: Audi A4, Volkswagen Passat, Pontiac Grand Prix or similar
Fullsize cars: BMW 3 series, Saab 9-3, Chevrolet Impala or similar
Premium cars: Mercedes C Class, Audi A6, Volvo V70 or similar
Luxury cars: Mercedes E Class, BMW X3, Ford Lincoln or similar
Minivan cars: Ford Galaxy, Chrysler Voyager, Volkswagen Touran, Mercedes Vito, Toyota Minibus, Renault Espace or similar
SUV cars: Suzuki Jimny (small), Nissan Pathfinder or Toyota Rav4 (medium), Volvo XC90 (large) or similar
Oversize cars: Fiat Mulltipa, Renault Scenic, Citroen Berlingo, Ford Focus Stationwagon or similar
Peugeot 207 Nissan Pathfinder Mercedec C Class Mercedes Vito
Car rental companies offering a car hire service in Baglung Airport strive to offer service and price to your satisfaction.

The benefit of Baglung Airport car rentals service provided here is a summary of offers different car hire possibilites, from large international companies to quality local car rental suppliers. The winner of the competition of their Baglung Airport offers is YOU: find the best Baglung Airport car hire rate, choose the deal you like. The booking proccess is simple, fast and secure.

The booking process
Information required during the booking process
The process of booking a car in Baglung Airport is secured and is made as simple as possible.

You will be asked to complete information about the driver and your credit card (for the purposes of online booking of car at Baglung Airport). Credit card information is needed both on account of the advance payment and because of the blocking deposit for the event causing the car accident. The deposit amount varies case to case so it is necessary toread the booking conditions. If you rent a car at the airport, you should also enter a flight number.

After completing your reservation you will instantly receive a confirmation email. Please visit suppliers office after the arrival: you will receive keys for the vehicle and pay the rest amount for rent. Your car will be already waiting in the parking lot and you are ready to go.

How to amend your booking
You may change your reservation later if your travel plans change. You will be asked to provide your booking ID and details of the changes you wish to make. You can change your booking.

How to cancel your booking
We understand, that you may sometimes need to cancel the booking. Please read Cancellation Policy in full. If you rental is post-paid, which means that entire car rental amount is due on arrival at the rental desk, there is no cancellation fee. However if your booking is prepaid, you may be charged cancellation fee depending on the timing advance of the cancellation. In general, if the booking is cancelled within 7 days of the car rental booking date and at least 48 hours before confirmed pick up time, all funds will be reimbursed. If the booking is cancelled outside 7 days of the car rental booking date and at least 48 hours before the pickup time, all funds except a cancellation fee of EUR 25.00 and the card processing fee (where applicable), will be reimbursed. In most cases, no funds will be reimbursed, if the booking is cancelled less than 48 hours before the pickup time.

Please visit detailed FAQ section if you need more informaion.

Car Hire Voucher
Your rental voucher is a document which will be emailed to you and must be printed and produced at the rental desk at Baglung Airport when you pick-up your vehicle. TheVoucher will contain instructions on how to collect the car and contain the car hire company address you will be using, along with all their contact details. The Car Rental Voucher will also display your Car Rental Agent confirmation number. If you do not produce your voucher at the time of collection of the vehicle, the car rental supplier may apply a different rate than quoted or refuse to rent the vehicle. We cannot accept any appeal for a refund if you do not produce your voucher at the rental desk.

You can always view and print your voucher. Please remember to take it to the rental counter together with your driving licence and the credit card.

Payment Method
The booking can be paid for by either credit card or debit card. Credit card is required to match the drivers name. A deposit will be held on the credit card until it is returned. When hiring higher class vehicles two credit cards might be requested to be presented at the Baglung Airport car rental office.

Generally, the amount authorized covers the fuel deposit and the insurance excess. The actual amount depends on the rental duration, the age of the driver or the size of the vehicle.

Baglung Airport, BGL, VNBL car hiring guide
Insurance Conditions
You should carefully read the conditions of the booking as different offers may vary in terms of the insurance. Sometimes the insurance doesn't apply to all parts of the vehicle, e.g. the damage of tire or car chassis might not be covered by the insurance. Consider your Nepal travel plans when analysing various offers. Make sure that car insurance is valid at your destination too. This is particularly important if you plan crossing state borders of Nepal.

Insurance Coverage
Information on various insurance (e.g. collision damage waiver, theft waiver or third party liability protection) is included in the rate details listed at each offer. The renter may be held responsible for damage to or loss of tyres, windscreens, glass and undercarriage. Please check with the car rental agent on arrival. Ask for the breakdown assistance too.

Before you set for a Baglung Airport journey
Before you start an engine of the car rented at Baglung Airport for the first time, check that the car corresponds to the conditions specified in the contract. In particular, check the amount of fuel in the tank. It should be full; otherwise ask for the refilling of the fuel or change of the contract details. Do not forget to examine the car body for any defects in the paint, wheel disk or other visible parts of the vehicle.

Fuel Policy
Usually the rule as follows: pick up full, return full. This means you pick up the car with a full fuel tank and you should also return the vehicle with a full fuel tank. Some suppliers will charge for this service initially but will refund the fee on return, if the fuel tank is full (otherwise you will be charged for the missing). As the fuel policies might change, please ask at the supplier in Baglung Airport, BGL, VNBL for the confirmation.

Additional Driver
You can add additional drivers for your booking. All additional drivers must be physically present at the Baglung Airport rental counter at the time of rental with their own driver's licence to sign the rental agreement. Depending on rate conditions, additional driver fee may be charged - this fee is then also payable at the counter. Usually additional driver permission can be obtained also on arrival at a small charge per person and day.

You will find information about additional drivers on your booking voucher. This section also shows other additional extras you have booked, for example baby seats and booster seats. These extras are usually not included in the price quoted and must be paid for on arrival.

Driving in Nepal
Drivers Age
During the booking process you will be asked about your age (see the form above). See the rate details for information about young drivers surcharge as it may not be included in the rental price (then it is to be paid at the Baglung Airport rental desk in the local currency). As the young drivers statistically cause more car accidents, they may be charged an extra fee. Minimum driving age varies between 16 and 21 years depending upon countries and regions. Car supplier in Baglung Airport will be happy to assist you in meeting local Nepal requirements.

Drivers License in Baglung Airport
Drivers must hold a full license. Limit of minimal period of holding a licence might be required. See the rate details of individual Baglung Airport car rental offers.

If the national driver license of the renter is not in Roman alphabet, an International Driver’s License (IDL) might be required. International driver's license must be accompanied by the driver's original domestic driving license.

International Driving Licence
Please check with the your car hire supplier (please see your voucher) if international driving license is required in Nepal. The International Driving Licence (IDL) is recognised worldwide as a document that identifies its holder as a licensed driver in countries with different official language than your domestic license was issued. You must also provide a National Driver's Licence together with the international licence, otherwise it may not be accepted.

Mileage limit
Some car rental suppliers may apply restrictions to the distance you can travel per one day - see the rate details.

Length of your Baglung Airport car rental
Sometimes it is not possible to rent a car for less then three days. Usually, the price per day decreases with the increasing length of the rent period.

Baglung Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( BCCI)

With the commitment of developing, promoting and strengthening the enterprises and economic activities in Baglung district, Baglung chamber of commerce and Industry was born as "Baglung Trade Union" in 2020 BS (1963 AD) at the collective initiatives of local business people. Eventually it was changed into Baglung Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2038 BS (1981 AD). It is one of the founder members of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce & Industry.

Baglung Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the proactive, non-profit making, non-governmental organization. It has been making every possible effort for the last 42 years to protect and promote the interests of the business community. Baglung Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides its membership to any individual, firm, company or an organization relating to trade, commerce and industry that operates in Baglung district.

Baglung is a small hilly town of the western Nepal located 70 km northwest of Pokhara. Trade and agriculture are the main economic activities of Baglung. At present, the chamber has 696 members.

Baglung Chamber of Commerce & Industry has been dedicating ever since its inception in achieving the following objectives:
Safeguarding the rights, interest and privilege of its members and business community.
Representing the view of members as business society on economic policies, plans and programs through dialogue, delegation to the concern bodies.
Strengthening the capabilities of members via training, seminars, workshops and exposure visits.
Creating awareness and providing support services for the commercial, social, educational, environmental and cultural upliftment of the district.
Improving and disseminating the technological and business information to the members and business community.
Arrange the trade fair and exhibition programme for the promotion of local and regional products.
Mediate on the issue and disputes related to trade and industry.

The committee of BCCI comprises of one president, two vice presidents representing from commerce and industry, one secretary general, one treasurer, one vice secretary general one lady from women entrepreneur committee and other executive members that includes the immediate past president as an ex-officio member in the committee. The general assembly, consisting of general members elects the executive committee every two years. The board comprises 21 members.

BCCI has its own building at the centre of Baglung town. There are altogether 7 rooms including a conference hall/ training hall and one meeting hall. The conference hall is being used for the training purpose and in other activities. But in case of request of government offices, organizations, and NGO's etc. the hall can be provided in rent that is becoming an income source of BCCI. And the remaining rooms are being used for official purpose. The chamber now is equipped with a computer, a printer, overhead projector, UPS, photocopier, fax machine and telephone.

Baglung Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been conducting various activities since its establishment, more effectively after the starting the Chamber Partnership Programme. Baglung CCI prepares the Plan of Action for each year and implements the activities. The main activities of BCCI are:
- Doing policy advocacy in the issue of business, economy and social service
- Providing information
- Representing members and business community
- Organizing fairs and exhibitions
- Promoting local enterprises

Baglung Chamber of Commerce & Industry has the following representation.

Member District Development Committee
Member Tax, revenue committee (DDC)
Member Steering Committee of Baglung Campus
Member Hospital Development Committee
Member NGO Federation of Nepal (Baglung)
Member District Pricing Committee
Member Cottage and Small Industry Development Committee
Member Market Supervising Committee
Advisor Women Entrepreneur Development Committee
Advisor Baglung Hotel Professional
Chamber Partnership Program(CPP):
CPP is a joint project between Pokhara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) and Handwerkskammer Rheinhessen (HWK), Mainz/Germany in participation with Baglung, Tanahun, Lamjung and Nepalgunj Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The program is in operation since January 2004. Baglung CCI is one of the active partner chambers of CPP.
The program supports Baglung CCI in:
• Chamber management and operation
• Promotion of SMEs and women entrepreneurship
• Environmental Preservation

Baglung CCI has been conducting varieties of activities in each of the above field.

Plane Crash In Baglung Killed All Six People In Nepal On oct 18 2011

Baglung has just experienced the unexpected Plane Crash here in Baglung, Nepalon Oct 18 2011. At just about 7:06 pm NST local time Kathmandu, October 18th The RAN-49N2T aircraft belonging to The Nepal Army (NA) is reported to be crashed onTuesday.
The Nepal Army plane that took off from Nepalgunj crashed at Dhorpatan, Bowangward 9 of Baglung district. According to NA sources it has been said that there were in total of five Army personals in the plane including pilot Bikash Sing Rathod and co-pilot Diwakar Karki. Along with the two pilots Dr. Ravita Pathak, Ram Singh Airi and his younger brother Keshav Airi are reported to be in dead condition.
The crash is supposed to be conceded due to poor weather. According to NA officials the Night-Vision helicopters could not take off from the Kathmandu based helipad. NA personals and Nepal Police personals are on their way to the crash site for the rescue.
Since, the crash site is reported to be an hour walk from the nearest police station the NA personals are walking on foot to the crash site from the district headquarters of Baglung.

Latest Updates :
The plane was one of the two gifted by the British government in July 2004 when the Maoist insurgency was at its peak and was equipped with surveillance devices.
The crash site is 137 km from Baglung district headquarters, and is nearly four-hour walk from the nearest police post at Dhorpatan.
The rescue team from the police and the army had not reached the crash site by the time this news story was filed.
Uma Prasad Chaturbedi, a deputy superintendent of the local police force, said witnesses reported seeing a plane crash into a hill and explode, but confirmation would not be possible until locals have reported seeing the aircraft in flames.

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